




The Aquatic Study Club of Makassar (ASCM), as a profession forum is one of the external student study group organizations consist of Makassar fisheries students. The objectives of the establishment of ASCM are to be a space of professional education and coaching in an effort to analyze and appreciate the profession later, as well as a forum for exchanging information and establishing ukhuwah among fellow profession students.

ASCM was formed on the idea of Muh. Yusri Karim, a Unhas Fisheries student at that time (now a Lecturer in the Aquaculture Study Program, Fisheries Department, FIKP Unhas) together with 4 Teams consisting of Usman Mula, Anhar Bustari, Asri Machmud Syukur and Rosmiati.

The establishment of ASCM has a complex history. Initially ASCM was only an ordinary study group. Its members at that time, only held meetings and gathered when they got assignments. Over the time, the number of members is gradually increasing, so that the activities are also increased, starting from intra to extra activities.

By the suggestion of several members at that time, they wanted this study group to be made as one of the official study groups. Based on that, the study group was officially formed, precisely on Friday 30 September 1988 with the name SASCM (Sea Anemon Study Club Makassar). Then SASCM changes to ASCM through the results of working discussions 1. Sea Anemon is changed to Aquatic, the reason, “Aquatic” has a very broad scope, namely “waters”. The ASCM name is used up to now.

Until now, the students who have joined fisheries are coming from universities in Makassar (UNHAS, UMI, Univ’45, and Unismuh).



Until the present service period of ASCM’s management, ASCM activities that have been aimed at the form of ideas and ideals have been done even step by step. Some of the activities that have been carried out include visits to various agencies / institutions and universities that have fisheries, social services, comparative studies, field trips, study tours, studies in the field of fisheries and others.

The activities in question are as follows:

  1. Visits to various fisheries institutions, including:
  • Directorate General of Fisheries, Jakarta
  • Institute of Guidance and Quality Test Testing Center Fisheries (BBMHP), North Jakarta
  • Research Institute of Sea Fisheries, North Jakarta
  • National Institute of Oceanology (LON) – LIPI, Jakarta
  • Institute of Brackish Water Cultivation (BBAP) of Jepara, Central Java
  • Marine Cultivation Center of Lampung
  • Coastal Area Development Laboratory of Jepara.
  • Freshwater Cultivation Center of Sukabumi, West Java
  • Research Institute for Brackish Water Aquaculture of Maros, South Sulawesi
  • Freshwater Aquaculture Research Center of Bogor, West Java
  • Fishing Development Center of Semarang, West Java
  • Research Installation for Aquatic Ornamental Fish Cultivation of Depok, South Jakarta
  • Punten Fish Seed Center (BBI) of Malang, East Java.
  • Center for Coastal Aquaculture Research of Gondol, Bali
  • Development Laboratory of Giant Shrimp (LPUG) of Pasar Minggu, Jakarta
  • Conservation Hall of Denpasar District 1, Bali.
  • Installation of Freshwater Fisheries Research of Lido Bogar, West Java
  1. Visits to Universities, including:
  • Djuanda University (UNIDA) of Bogor
  • Fisheries Ihnu College (STIP) of Pasar Minggu, Jakarta
  • Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) of Bogor
  • Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) of Bandung
  • Diponegoro University (UNDIP) of Semarang
  • Gadjah Mada University (UGM) of Yogyakarta
  • Universitas Brawijaya (UNIBRAW) of Malang
  • University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM)
  • University Dr. Sutomo (UNITOMO) of Surabaya
  • Hang Tuah University of Surabaya
  • Airlangga University (UNAIR) of Surabaya
  • Warmadewa University (UNWAR) of Denpasar, Bali
  1. Visits to Fisheries Company (swasta), including:
  • Running water system Pond in Subang, West Java.
  • Running water system Pond (Iwan.Fish Farm) in Soreang, West Java.
  • Bojong Fish Fishing Farm, Jati, Sumedang, West Java
  • Perikanan Samudera Besar Benoa, Bali
  • Dinar Bali
  • Perikanan Samudera Besar, Makassar
  • Feed Pabric CP, PIima, Surabaya
  • Plastic Industry in Paiton , Purbalinggo (East Java)
  1. Field Trip in some places, including:
  • Open Waters of Tanjung Bunga, Ujung Pandang
  • Bosowa Maranak’s Ponds, Maros
  • Bantimurung pool, Maros
  • Crabs unit in Maros
  • Fish recovery unit in Sidrap
  • Study Ponds Of Hasanuddin University Barru
  • Agriculture Institute, Pangkep.
  1. Comparative study

Comparative studies had been carried out 9 times in 1991, 1994, 1996, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2007,2012 and 2015 on Java, Bali and Sumatra.

  1. Field trip associated with Comperative study.

Some tourist objects had been visited, including:

  • DKI Jaya (Ancol, TMI Ragunan Zoo and Monas)
  • West Java (Botanical Gardens. Bogor, Ratu Port in Sukabumi, Tangkuban boat and Selabintana)
  • Central Java (Kartini Beach, Jepara)
  • Yogyakarta (Parangtritis, Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Malioboro, Yogyakarta Palace)
  • East Java (Apple Garden in Malang, Selecta, East Java Park)
  • Bali (Kuta Beach, Tanah Lot, Sanur Beach, Turtle Island, Gajah Museum, Puri Lukisan Ratna Warta Ubud Museum and Bedugul)


  1. Social Events , including:

Fisheries instructure in public.

Mangrove planting in Dadeko Village, Larompong District, Luwu Regency

Collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of Unhas in Selayar Regency

Mangrove Planting in Malangke District, North Luwu Regency (Palopo)

Planting  of 10,000 Mangroves trees in Sinjai Regency

Fisheries Extension and Planting 1,000 trees of Mangrove in Bulubawang Village, Kec. Matakali, Kab. Polewali Mandar, Prov. SUL-BAR


  1. Kajian-kajian Perikanan

Various problems in of fisheries have been studied, among : techniques and methods of cultivation of various types of biota with economic value, rational management of fisheries resources, and economic analysis of various fisheries, fishing technology, etc.

  1. Great Reunion, ASCM Alumni Meeting and Formation of ASCM Alumni Association (IKA)



One of the efforts taken to improve the quality and professionalism of members is by providing facilities in the form of a mini library and research equipment for its members. In addition, ASCM also receives services such as data processing and research equipment, etc. The research equipment owned by ASCM presented in the following table:


no Types of tool Total Notes
1 pH Meter 1 piece Good
2 Big aquariums 12 pieces Good
3 Small aquariums 12 pieces Good
4 Recirculation pump 12 pieces Good
5 Dynamo pump 1 piece Good
6 Concrete tank (3x3x0,7m3) 1 piece Good
7 Semi permanent room    



It is “noblesse oblige” for every ASCM personnel, both personnel and UNHAS, UMI, BOSOWA, UNISMUH, STITEK BALIKDIWA, and COKROAMINOTO to be sensitive and responsive to the needs of their times. ASCM has a mission and partners, just how we develop it.

Hopefully this very simple brochure can provide a brief description of ASCM and is useful.