Learning Outcomes

Domain Code Indented Learning outcomes (ILO)
Attitude ILO1 Able to work adaptively, creatively and innovatively
ILO2 Able to work honestly, professionally and responsible for its duties
Knowledge ILO3 Able to demonstrate understanding basic principles of seed production and grow out of aquatic organisms
ILO4 Able to apply the science and technology on freshwater, brackish and marine aquaculture systems
Generic Skill ILO5 Able to communicate aquaculture technology into diverse communities and work as a team in the field of aquaculture
ILO6 Demonstrate leadership and entrepreneurial skills
Specific Skill ILO7 Demonstrate a good skills in feed formulation and feeding management of cultivated organisms
ILO8 Able to manage and maintain the quality of various aquaculture environments
ILO9 Able to perform engineering techniques of breeding of cultivated aquatic organisms
ILO10 Able to apply disease detection and handling techniques of cultivated organisms