
The ASP courses are formulated and classified into three cluster field of knowledge namely (a) ASP core of knowledge (b) Supporting Science and Technology (c) University identity (Unhas entity). The cluster of ASP core of expertise itself consists of 6 (six) field of competence namely Aquaculture system technology, Science and Technology of Feed, Hatchery Management, Aquaculture Environment, Diseases of Aquatic Organism and Final Tasks. The ASP curriculum structure showed a constructive alignment with the ILOs (Figure 1 and 2).


In the first year, the ASP students are introduced to the general and basic concept including to Unhas identity/characteristic (Maritime Culture) courses to achieve a strong basic knowledge, attitude and soft skill of students. In this stage, courses offered e.g. Introduction to Physics, Chemistry and Biology, English, Religions etc. In the second semester students are introduced to basic aquaculture and related courses including introduction to aquaculture, introduction to post harvest technology, introduction to fishing technology etc.

In the second year, students are introduced to general skills to build a strong foundation for aquaculture competency.  Students who had learn basic concept in the first year and aquaculture foundation in the second year will be introduced specific skills to improve their competence they interested in the third year.

In the third year, the students will learn various specific skill which lead them to specific competency.


In the fourth year, After completing those three steps (years) for specific concept each year, the students are then eligible to complete their final tasks e.g. internship, community services and final project.


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