The Inauguration of Vice Deans of The Fcaulty of Marine Science and Fisheries 2022-2026
Congratulations and success for the inauguration of the Vice Deans of the Faculty of Marine and Fisheries Sciences for the 2022-2026 Period, who were inaugurated by the Rector of Hasanuddin University on Wednesday, January 12, 2022 at the Inauguration of Additional Duty Officers, Structural Officers, and the Granting of Professor Decrees at Hasanuddin University . The inaugurated Deputy Deans of FIKP are Dr. Aslamyah, MP., M.Si. as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs; Prof.Dr.Ir. Abdul Haris, M.Si as Deputy Dean for Planning, Finance, Resources; and Dr. Ahmad Faisal, ST., M.Si as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Partnerships.
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